Affiliations and Partnerships
Below is a list of organizations we regularly partner or work with on various projects, or whom are affiliated with us. They represent the individuals who share our core values and broader collective mission in all things complex trauma-related and mental health at large. We all aim to better educate the public and professionals alike, while prioritizing survivors above all and ensuring them access to the best support available.
In this field, we serve no one when working against or on top of one another. In combining the best of what each of us has to offer, that is how we create a robust, healthy, and clear path forward for all impacted by trauma.
We hope you find their individual gifts and resources as valuable as we do.
International Society for the Study
of Trauma and Dissociation
The ISSTD is an international, non-profit, professional association organized to develop and promote comprehensive, clinically-effective and empirically-based resources for trauma and dissociation. They seek to advance clinical, scientific, and societal understanding about the prevalence and consequences of
chronic trauma and dissociation.
An Infinite Mind
An Infinite Mind is a 501(c)3 international grassroots
non-profit organization that provides direct education, advocacy, and support services to people living with dissociative disorders. They also offer support and resources to loved ones, community supporters, educational entities, mental health clinicians, and other general healthcare providers.
Blue knot foundation
The Blue Knot Foundation is the National Centre of Excellence
for Complex Trauma in Australia. They advocate for and provide support to people who have experiences of complex trauma, and those who support them, personally and professionally.
They aim to empower adults to recover and build
resilience from complex trauma.
System Speak podcast
System Speak Podcast is a podcast with Emma Sunshaw,
a survivor with the lived experience of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Collectively, they aim to bridge the gap between survivor and clinician. It is about advocacy, fighting stigma, and adding substance, quality, and rawness to the online conversation regarding complex trauma, specifically DID.
multiplied by one
Multiplied By One Org is an international nonprofit in Canada
for trauma, all dissociative disorders, and loved ones. They aim to provide an access point in self-help, information, and qualified support services through online support groups, a magazine, therapist directory, and an upcoming app.